Summer 2013 one gnome-er, student- from RI travels to Peru and Guatemala to improve her Spanish, gain experience as a possible future medical anthropologist, and explore. *Obviously this is not the correct word.

El verano 2013 un gnomo-er, student- de RI viaja al Peru y Guatemala para mejorar, su espanol, aumenta su experiencia en antropologia medica, e explorar. *Obviamente no es la palabra correcta.



Seeing as I fell behind on writing because of the whirlwind of shadowing and my last days in Cusco, I'm going to compromise and, using my real journal's notes for capturing, continue this blog as a photo-journalist-type exercise. 

Entonces, mi segundo fin de semana en Cusco fui a Arequipa. My second weekend I went to Arequipa:
Mis companeras del viaje-Heather, Daniela, y Danielle- y un volcan./my traveling companions and a volcano.

Otra montana y los planos. /Another montain and the plains.

Las vicunas salvajes. No puede domesticarlas porque rechazan a reproducir y necesitan correr./Wild vicunas. They can't be domesticated because they'll refuse to reproduce and need to run.

Muchas volcanes y las ofertas a los apus./Volcanos and offerings to the apues, gods of the mountains.

Danzas folkoricos del Canon Colca./Folkloric dances of Colca region.

Chivay, un pueblito donde quedamos./Chicay, the little town where we stayed.

El Canon Colca, el mas profundo del mundo!/Colca Canyon, the deepest in the world.

Los condores vuelen en el canon por la manana, endentro el canon y abajo las montanas. Son mensajes de la tierra al cielo en los mitos andinos./Condors fly in the canyon every morning inside and above the mountains. They're messengers from Earth to Heaven in Andean myths.

En la ciudad de Arequipa, La Ciudad Blanca, un pueblo colonial./In the city of Arequipa, the White City of the Colonial Era.

Ernesto el Gnome encontro' un amigo en una tienda de antiguedades./Ernesto the Gnome found a friend there at an antique shop.

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